Add a specific SharePoint list view as a Teams tab

A common requirement I have found is to add a SharePoint list as tab, which has been made simple enough to do using the SharePoint tab in Teams.

However I was surprised it didn’t give you the opton to select a view to set as default within Teams. So I managed to find a workaround.

First go to the SharePoint site and then navigate to the list.

In the URL remove everything after the “list name/”

Now after the “/” add the “[viewname].aspx”

Now copy this URL and then go to Teams

Select the channel where you want to add the tab. Select the SharePoint tab and then choose the “Add page…” link

Paste the link from above step

Hit save. The list should now be added with the view as default every time you click the tab

Author: Suresh Memmi

Microsoft 365 developer/ consultant

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